Autodesk game engine customers
Autodesk game engine customers

autodesk game engine customers

And it took them almost like six months before they started building a game. TG: I worked alongside another consultant with another company at one point, and they got one of the bigger engines and their engineers basically asked for the source, got the source, and then just ripped it all up. So what we're trying to do is to give people the opportunity of having the same sort of customizability as you get in a custom engine, but not have to do everything from scratch and have these like, two, three year periods where you can't even work on the game, because yeah, the engineers are making what you need. But we love the customizability of a custom engine: I mean, it's kind of boring if everything ends up being cookie cutter, like there's just two main engines and everything is using that. And then they sort of shut down, but there's fewer new customers being created: I think that's sort of what's causing the trend of custom engines disappearing. So I think what's happening, they reach a point maybe where they're too complex to continue to maintain. Niklas Gray: Yeah, I think it's kind of a tricky proposition for for any company now to start building a custom engine because because it's a big overhead, like you don't even know what you're gonna have for two years, or whatever.

autodesk game engine customers

We don't need this feature, or we don't want their editor, but we want this and that, and they can kind of plug it in and make it lighter.

autodesk game engine customers

So part of The Machinery is that it's modular, so someone like Konami can take it and be like, okay, here's all the parts that we like about our old engine or components that we need, and we'll just slip it into the base that we have for The Machinery.

Autodesk game engine customers